worlds in a box

We are Mighty Boards

Mighty Boards came into being through a merger of minds in 2016, between part of the team who brought you Posthuman (then called Mighty Box) and the studio behind Days of Ire (then called Cloud Island).  Some of the people involved in this uncanny mind-meld were senior academics working in games, philosophy and the visual arts, and a few have shady pasts in the AAA video game industry, with experience as consultants and designers on the Witcher franchise (Gwent and Thronebreaker) and Cyberpunk 2077. 

From their bases in different countries across Europe, this ragtag bunch came together to bring worlds to life through cardboard, cards and tokens, united by a shared commitment to quality, beauty and imagination. 

In 2021, through what some believe was a once-in-a-lifetime conjunction of the celestial spheres, the entire team was mysteriously sucked into an interdimensional vortex. Mighty Boards now operates as a consolidated unit in a single office, occupying some prime real estate in a small velvet-lined pocket outside spacetime. (The views over the entire known and unknown multiverse are really something to write home about! If, you know, any postal service would ever make it that far out.) Unconfirmed sightings of the team in the physical plane have mostly clustered around the limestone streets and sun-dazed beaches of the island of Malta, though they have also been known to astral-project into the occasional board game convention.

The cosmic radiation flowing through their quaint location outside spacetime, combined with their academic and video game development background, creates an optimal environment for fostering exceptional creativity, and for dreaming up unique experiences, and for sculpting these experiences into existence with a certain critical and reflective flair. 

Gordon Calleja

Gordon Calleja is a game designer, developer and writer at Mighty Boards.  Gordon has designed games like Posthuman, Posthuman Saga, Vengeance and Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan,. Aside from making both digital and board games Gordon is also a Professor in Game Studies at the University of Malta.  His research focuses on player involvement, immersion, game ontology, play, game narrative and board game design.

David Chircop

David is a game designer and developer at Mighty Boards. He designed Hamlet, Petrichor, ...and then we held hands and Pursuit of happiness and worked on developing Days of Ire and Nights of Fire. Apart from working at Mighty Boards, David works as a Game Designer at CD Projekt Red, currently as a gameplay designer on Cyberpunk 2077 and previously on Gwent, and Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. David has an MSc in Digital Games, and a has published academic work on board game analysis.

Mark Casha

Mark is the art director, graphic designer and product designer at Mighty Boards. He has 20 years experience in graphic design and print and has also worked as an art director and UI designer in the video game industry. Mark is also a lecturer at the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Malta.

Eveline Foubert

Eveline has 12+ years of international experience in marketing and PR in the field of games and tech. Her love for gaming isn’t just professional - you'll often find her playing a game at local events. While her love for gaming has fueled her career, Eveline is also an outdoor enthusiast who's always looking for a next adventure.

Marvin Zammit

Marvin leads operations and digital development at Mighty Boards, bringing a mix of expertise from over a decade in automotive electronics, and another twelve years in digital games and interactive installations development. He’s shared his expertise as a visiting lecturer at the University of Malta’s Faculty of Engineering, and recently he has been reading for a PhD in Game Research at the university's Institute of Digital Games, where he's published academic papers about procedural content generation and educational games.

Chris Borg

Chris is the operations and logistics manager as well as graphic and web designer at Mighty Boards. With over 20 years of experience in the graphic design and printing industry, and a passionate RPG enthusiast since childhood, Chris combines his love for gaming with his professional skills to bring creative projects to life.

Max Kosek

Max joined the Mighty Boards team as a graphic designer and artist, following his dream to work on board games. He's always happy to bring new ideas, creativity and energy to help develop something unique for board gamers to enjoy. With 20 years of experience, Max has brought his skill and knowledge to the table for Hamlet, Art Society, Fateforge, Rebirth and more to come!

Christian Paller

Chris spends most of his time working on Fateforge: Chronicles of Kaan and its expansions. He is currently also pursuing a PhD, diving deep into the world of games — especially what makes people tick when they play competitively. As an added bonus, he has the best play tester around - his son, who's always ready to give the latest prototypes a spin (and let him know exactly what he thinks)!

Stephen Pace Spadaro

Stephen joined Mighty Boards in 2022 to work on digital games. He enjoyed working on Fateforge Companion App, as well as a couple of other projects along the way, and looks forward to future games! Work and leisure share a common element; he spends most of his free time playing video games.

Harry Apartoglou

Harry is a game developer and customer care manager working with Mighty Boards. He has recently joined the team, working on developing their latest boardgames, Posthuman Saga - The Journey Home and Vengeance: Roll & Fight. Harris has an M.Sc in Digital Games, he has also published academic work on game analysis, while currently pursuing a Ph.D on game research.

Daniel Vella

Daniel Vella is a writer and narrative designer at Mighty Boards, having worked on Posthuman Saga. He is a lecturer at the Institute of Digital Games at the University of Malta, where he teaches courses on narrative in games, player experience and the formal properties of games. He studied literature before obtaining a PhD from the Center for Computer Games Research at the IT University of Copenhagen. His research blends game studies, philosophy and literary theory, touching on a wide range of topics - from looking at existentialism in virtual worlds to examining aesthetics of the sublime and Romanticism in videogames.  

Nick Shaw

Nick is a game designer/developer from the UK, mainly focused on solo modes, but dabbling in full game design at times too. He has been designing/developing games for over 10 years now, and has 2 published co-designs (Welcome to DinoWorld and Rome & Roll), along with having worked on over 30 solo modes for various publishers, including the Automa expansion for Terraforming Mars, Castles of Burgundy: Special Edition, Puerto Rico: Special Edition, and our own Petrichor, Excavation Earth, and Hamlet.

Alexandre Limoges

Alexandre is a college professor living in Montreal, Canada. He has a Ph.D from Yale University (Connecticut, USA) in French Literature, a degree in translation and has taught literary translation at University level in Montreal. He's been playtesting Hamlet, Fateforge and is working on a few new projects!